Prototyping Augmented Reality Interfaces

Prototyping using IR sensors that utilize gesture recognition for placement of an object. A theaterical use of this is for interactive stage design by using a screen between the actor and the stage and a projector. Imagine someone was playing a character that was a conjurer or a lucid dreamer and they wanted to manifest fire, water, a house or even a forest. Not only could they hold these elements in their hands but they can control them, throw them all over the stage, change their size or even determine what they do on stage when someone approaches them. This utilizes how human bodies have naturally interacted with reality over the span of human evolution rather than the human body having to work within the parameters of the technology that is constantly changing. It allows us to also utilize space to create or work through concepts like mind mapping or memory palaces tend to do to help store or work through information.

We’ve been able to explore more of these concepts and their relation with the stage for narrative. Here are a couple similar prototype projects that utilize these techniques for theatrical purposes.

Psycho Jelly